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Wind power seeks a foothold in the balancing electricity market

The share of electricity generated from sources that vary according to the weather is on the rise in Finland. At the same time, it is becoming increasingly challenging to maintain the balance between electricity generation and consumption in the power system. At the moment, it is important to ensure that nobody with flexible electricity generation capacity faces any financial barriers that would prevent them from participating in balancing the system.


More information is needed about the balancing power market

EPV Energy is one of the trailblazers in industrial-scale wind power generation in Finland: in 2019, approximately 17.4 per cent of EPV’s energy was generated from wind power. EPV Windpower Ltd has wind farms in Teuva, Vaasa, Ilmajoki and Kristinestad.


Fossil-free steel is on the horizon

Steel company SSAB aims to be the first to market with fossil-free steel in 2026. This is possible using a process developed by the HYBRIT project, whereby in an iron reduction process hydrogen is used instead of coal.


Climate neutral Finland remains within reach

In June, Technology Finland published its industry roadmap, which supports the goal of making Finland climate neutral by 2035. The key factors will be functional markets, RDI activities and low-emission electricity.


Power-to-X – solutions for energy storage

Solutions that turn electricity into a product – known as Power-to-X solutions – support emission-free, renewable electricity generation and introduce flexibility to electricity consumption. Electricity can also be used to produce carbon neutral or even carbon negative products that can be transported and stored. Fingrid is making preparations for a significant increase in electricity consumption in the coming decades.


Wpd Finland trusts in long-term buyers

Wpd Finland is building its operations on long-term power purchase agreements (PPAs). It follows the same long-term policy in the technical and financial services agreements for wind farms – agreements that cover the entire service lifetimes of the farms.


Ilmatar’s wind farm enters a whole new size category

Ilmatar Windpower Plc, which has been building wind farms for almost ten years, is taking the wind power sector into a whole new size category with its Pyhäntä and Kajaani wind farms, which are currently under construction. The wind farm comprising 41 turbines breaks all current records, both in terms of the number of turbines and its output.


Energy companies take pre-emptive climate action

Energy companies have taken a serious approach to preparations for a carbon-neutral future. Vantaa Energy is seeking to stop using coal by autumn 2022, when the extension to its waste-to-energy plant is commissioned. This action is approximately seven years ahead of its time, as a Government decision calls for the prevention of coal as a fuel for electricity and heating in May 2029.

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