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Understanding human activity improves occupational safety

The human factor is a mindset – a perspective from which we analyse and develop occupational safety. The key is understanding human activity to identify how different factors affect work performance and success at work.


Planning eliminates occupational accidents

On an Aurora Line worksite nearly 50 kilometres long, the conditions can change daily. Therefore, even if the work phase feels familiar, safety must be assured every time the team starts work. Adherence to the safety plan and ongoing risk assessment are part of the everyday work on this demanding site.


Occupational safety

More occupational accidents leading to absences happened on Fingrid’s worksites in 2023 than in the previous year, and the frequency of occupational accidents increased slightly. The number of serious occupational accidents decreased compared to the previous year.


You are responsible for your safety during leisure time

During working hours, your employer is responsible for safety and providing the appropriate equipment, but at home and during your leisure time, your safety is your responsibility. Stay out of trouble by
thinking ahead and planning.


Eliminate risk behind the wheel

Fingrid’s employees and partners often need to travel the country by road. Safe drivers make sensible choices and obey traffic laws.


Coordination and communication improve safety on electrical worksites

With many working groups operating side-by-side on a main grid worksite, everyone must know exactly what work is underway and
which stage it has reached. Since the start of June, it has been mandatory to announce the need for additional earthing – this is one of the steps Fingrid has taken to ensure safety.


Testing 24-hour performance

The Network Code for Emergency and Restoration (NC ER) was prepared by the European Commission to prevent disturbances from spreading and causing blackouts and ensure that the system can be swiftly restored to normal operation.


Care must be taken with earthing

The number of incidents in which the earthing rules were not followed for
one reason or another was higher than normal in 2022.

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