Main grid fee reform to ease congestion in the grid
Fingrid is planning reforms to restructure the main grid fees and contribute to improving the network’s adequacy during the transition of the power system. The new model encourages a regional balance, easing congestion in the transmission network.27.11.2024

The Triple Jump Towards Zero campaign invites worksites to compete on safety
Electrical and occupational safety on Fingrid’s worksites is ensured by carefully planning tasks in advance, considering the risks and taking a moment to think before starting work. Fingrid invites everyone working on its sites to take part in an occupational safety competition where the most active worksites will be rewarded.13.12.2024
Preventive action is the prerequisite for a high standard of occupational safety. The amount of preventive action has increased enormously on Fingrid’s worksites over the past ten years.
The rapid electrification of society and industrial investment plans already pose a major challenge to the development of the power system.
Managing the nationwide power balance has become more important, and the revenue from balance services has accounted even for as much as two-thirds of the company’s revenues. As a result, Fingrid has transformed from an infrastructure company into a service company.
The most effective solution for the construction of offshore wind power from the perspective of both developers and consumers is that the project developer is responsible for building the connection lines and connecting their power plant to the mainland grid substation. This approach is also used in other production and consumption projects, allowing Fingrid to focus on developing the main grid.
The reform aims to reduce consumers’ exposure to fossil fuel price spikes, to accelerate investments in renewable energy sources (RES), and flexibility resources, and to enhance prevention of market manipulation.
Networks are the backbone of the green transition. The backbone of Finland´s energy system should also be a matter of prime importance to the country.
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Persons in charge of electrical work meet to set policies on operating procedures
Fingrid invites the persons in charge of electrical work of its major service providers to meetings a few times a year. The aim is to harmonise operations and provide feedback on how the legislation works in practice.
The terrain dictates the route
When specialists plan transmission line routes, they visit the terrain to study the surrounding nature, soil, buildings, and landscape on site.