The whole energy system needs to go electric, with renewables leading the green charge. “The end game is 100% renewable energy by 2050 and we all need to recognize this.”

Zbyněk Boldiš, ENTSO-E Vice-President, moderated the panel. “We are Europe at work every day,” he noted in his opening words. Looking back at the creation of ENTSO-E ten years ago, he confessed to wondering at the time, “what kind of monster are we creating?” Turns out, it’s not such a bad monster at all.
Atte Harjanne, Member of the Finnish Parliament, noted that ENTSO-E is “a very big player” in fighting climate change.
“Biggest problems we have are CO2 emissions which need to be cut fast. Also loss of biodiversity and energy poverty are challenges,” he said, calling for a “rapid decarbonization” of society.
Responding to audience questions, Atte Harjanne pointed out that the social element is important in the development of the international energy system, too, and one has to be mindful to take also poorer countries into consideration.
Christine Materazzi Wagner, Acting Chair of ACER and CEER Electricity Working Groups, noted that we are still engaged in implementing Third Energy Package and have only just started with the Clean Energy Package (CEP).
“Networks are the backbone going forward,” she said, emphasizing the crucial energy of electricity.
Wagner noted that organizations such as ENTSO-E and ACER would probably benefit from a closer collaboration on the national level, as well.
Janez Kopač, Director, Energy Community Secretariat (ECS), says that ECS and ENTSO-E have a long history of collaboration, with integration as a major theme. “Looking ahead, CEP will bring new challenges,” he said.
“Decarbonization remains our common challenge,” he said, adding that carbon leakage is a key concern in cross-border activity.
In his closing remarks, Zbyněk Boldiš observed that ENTSO-E is a valuable organization from the perspective of stakeholders – and will continue to deliver that value in the future, too.