A historic wave of investment is underway – where does the money come from?
The power system is in the midst of an unprecedented transition, which calls for major investments in the main grid.
The power system is in the midst of an unprecedented transition, which calls for major investments in the main grid.
LUT University is researching an entirely new solution to address the problem of carbon dioxide emissions due to heating. The university is developing a small nuclear power plant that will provide district heating. The minimum output of the district heat reactor must be 20–30 megawatts, and a few such units could satisfy the district heating needs of a medium-sized town.
Fossil fuels are being replaced by biomass and waste heat. Business Development Manager Pirjo Jantunen tells about solutions for the future.
In principle, it should be simple to combat climate change, at least from the perspective of an electricity transmission system operator. We should make the power system clean and electrify everything we can, writes Fingrid’s Senior Expert Mikko Heikkilä.
Jukka Ruusunen, Fingrid’s CEO, says that the government’s programme will enable Finland to become a pioneer in terms of its clean, cost-efficient power system.
The cloud-based OptiWatti is a smart management system for electric heating. Controlled energy use decreases the environmental burden and also saves money.
The versatile service provider Markedskraft also conducts guarantee of origin trade for its customers.
Upright Oy is a company led by Annu Nieminen that is developing a calculation model to measure and compare the total impacts of companies’ operations. The goal is to encourage companies to optimise their net impacts. Last year Upright and Fingrid performed a practice calculation that examined the total impacts of Fingrid’s operations.
Fingrid is creating the platform for a clean power system. We asked an illustrator to show us what this means.
Using a shared electric car promotes the sharing economy in many ways: it’s an environmentally friendly, convenient and inexpensive alternative to owning a car.
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Fingrid is Finland’s transmission system operator. We secure reliable electricity cost effectively for our customers and society, and shape the clean, market-oriented power system of the future.